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About Us

Working together to make training better for you and your dog!

The Purely Positive Training Alliance is a group of like minded dog trainers and behaviourists headed by three trainers based in the North West UK.  Our aim is to give dog owners the knowledge they need to make sure they are training their dogs in a safe and comfortable way. Too often people are flooded by information by their trainer, usually someone they've just found online without any prior knowledge or understanding of methods used. Our goal is to show people the benefits and affective of force free methods and how to spot aversive training. 

Our Story

All three of us have years of experience not only as dog trainers but dog owners as well. We've all had our own experiences with aversive methods, whether it's having other trainers suggest old fashioned ways or clients wanting to bring their E-Collar to our classes. We've seen the affects that these methods have on dogs; they become shy and reserved, unsure of what's being asked of them, worried and uncomfortable. After seeing a rise in these methods we decided that something needed to be done, the general public need access to knowledge and FF trainers need the help to get out there into the mainstream. That's where Purely Positive was born, it started with us getting all the local FF trainers into a Facebook group together and grew into Jo, Heather and I creating ideas and dreams of how big we can make this. We can help other trainers grow, help owners find the right fix for their dog and teach the wider community how dog training should be done. 


We know that 'Purely Positive' is a phrase attacked by aversive and balanced trainers, but that's why we picked it. We want to be noticed. We want to be seen. We want dog owners to know that there are better ways to train their dogs. Sometimes the quick fix isn't better, long lasting results require hard work, it doesn't just come with the push of a (shock collar) button. 

Meet The Team

Our Sponsors

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